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Butterfly Prayers – Shanna McNair

Butterfly Prayers – Shanna McNair

I’m waving back to you, Mom. You, Diane. I see you in the window, down the driveway in the house you and Dad shared before you passed. You’re waving, just there. A familiar wave, excited, your palm overextended on your tiny wrist. A mother’s can’t-wait wave. Come...
Joining The Proclaimers Team

Joining The Proclaimers Team

In 1997, I set up my first design agency and named it FBD, The Federal Bureau of Design. I grew the business to a team of 6 over a few years. During this time, the dot com boom, we worked with many corporate clients, start-ups and most enjoyably, with bands. To name...
Zoe Davis – Celebrating A New Start In Life

Zoe Davis – Celebrating A New Start In Life

When 2020 came knocking, not once did any of us expect or realise to the full extent of how it would impact our lives. Life for us in France had already been quite tough. We thought we had seen it all and that not much else could happen. We had lived in a historical...
Maurine Fischel – Making It Happen In France

Maurine Fischel – Making It Happen In France

The year 2011 was a big one for my family. My mother died, quickly and without warning, while my husband was in the hospital down the road for treatment of an infection related to chemotherapy for his second cancer in two years. My youngest son, Ben, and his partner,...
Noelle Wood – A Leap Across An Ocean

Noelle Wood – A Leap Across An Ocean

It had been another marathon day, teaching Pilates and aerial circus classes for 12 hours. After almost 20 years of self-employment and working in this industry, I was burned out, stressed, sick, exhausted and joyless. I barely saw my family, hardly slept, ate...